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Saturday, December 12, 2015

A little Christmas Science......

Does a candy cane melt in warm oil or warm water?

Mixing candy colors with Baking soda and vinegar!

We  try our hand at 24 piece puzzles with no tray - just looking at the pictures.  Well done, guys!

Silly Little Elf.....Jingle!

Our elf has been having fun in the classroom.  The children are doing great doing their Acts of Kindness!  The elf often has a hard time moving around the room, but he's sneaky!
The elf puzzles were a hit!

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Santa has sent his Elf!

Santa has sent his elf, which we named "Jingle" (good idea, Andrew!)  Santa wants us to do Acts of Kindness and send them back to the North Pole before Christmas!  Elf good deed slips can be brought back to school to put in the shipping box.  So far, Jingle is up to no good.
He did join us for snacks, but then got into the cookies for the Thursday class.

MWF Class                 We had fun seeing Santa even though some of us stayed several feet away! : )
Thursday class
The elves are busy in our classroom!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

What we have been learning.....

We have been working on some new concepts like weight, measuring, patterning, equal/less/more,  and size comparisons.  The children have responded by showing me they understand these concepts.  Just take a look~
Complex patterning.....
Using a scale......what makes the dial move?

We continue to do fine motor activities and I am seeing many begin to correct their grip on pencils and markers.  

Stringing macaroni was quite a chore, but they did it!   It takes multiple fingers to get that string through!
We can't forget those Gross Motor skills either!   Outside play, physical games and gym class are fun!

    We have great times with friends!

And........lastly we enjoyed watching the chicks grow in Miss Cheryl's class.  A really neat experience to see first hand.

Thanksgiving Blessings.....

I feel very blessed to have these children in my class, as well as wonderful families to work with.  You are the best!   We had fun learning about being thankful and giving

Watching Charlie Brown's Thanksgiving!


Thursday class

 (and we acted silly with turkey songs too).