Visits to our Class Page

Sunday, August 30, 2015

A trip back to the 70's!

Being my birthday week, I thought it would be fun for the children to play with the toys I played with when I was younger.  So we had etch-a-sketch, Potato Head, Candy land, trolls, Tinkertoys, Dr. Suess books, slinkys, snap together toys, matchbox cars (those were my brothers),  and my favorite Paint!

We had a great week and it was fun to watch the kids.  I heard "Miss Kathi, I don't like this iPad-it doesn't have any games!" (etch-a-sketch)  LOL
Thursdays class

My favorite as a kid - OREOs!
We've been working on our Zoo Phonic letters and sounds!

The MWF class is making good choices.  A short term goal is to be caught making a good choice, long term, the children have to get 5 more good choices to get a prize.  They are all doing great!

As some of our art and crafts look simple, we are working on handwriting.  On this project we wrote up and down to make the teeth, circle to make the nose and then wrote our letter.  All of our projects are skill based.  Some are even learning how to hold markers, crayons, scissors and glue sticks!

I love to see this!  Even though these are tangagrams (shapes) and blocks, the children use them to make letters they are learning!

Next week:  Community Workers!  

Saturday, August 22, 2015

First Week of School Fun! 2015-2106

Thursday friends join in the fun!

              Art                                                               Group Play

                          Writing Skills
                                                                                          Buddy Line!
                                               Snack time is a BIG favorite!
                                                    Quiet reading time....

                                                   My Funny Thursday Minions!

                       Science time.....we blended cornstarch and water and a little yellow food coloring for
                                                                MINION SLIME!
                                                       Best Buddies...

 A rest after Friday Gym time......a great end to a great week!