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Sunday, February 28, 2016

Outside time!

Oh, the wonderful weather we are having!   I'm so glad we have a playground and gymnasium that we can do gross motor activities.  Here they are at play....
Remember to have them wear gym shoes to school!

Wednesdays Yoga Time!

This is the first time I have introduced Yoga into my classroom.   We have been using a yoga cd made especially for teaching young children.   The best part, too is it is based on zoo animals!   A child comes up on the screen, shows the proper position and the children model it.   I cannot believe the balance these children have at this age!  It is definitely something I will continue to do in my classes. They would like to have it everyday but I can't reserve the TV that much due to other teachers using it too!  Delia, Dylan's mom has joined us couple of times on gym day to do yoga as well....and she's a professional! Thank you!

And....I love to listening to their conversations during class!

Who Let the Dogs Out?\

Amazing how the kids have progressed since the beginning of the year!  Everyone has better grip on those markers and pencils.

Clifford books are fun and captivating for little ones.

A big red painting day with all kids of tools and sponges.   Congrats Evelyn for trying to 
write Emily Elizabeth, Cliffords best friend! Good job!

The dogs were busy cleaning up their messes, and had fun walking like dogs in the lobby.  There was a lot of howling going on!

Even mommies can join in the fun!

Rainbow fun!

Our color unit was so much fun and the children kept asking for Rainbow Day.   Here's some of the fun we had!
Rainbow apron with our friends handprints~

Goofy guys thought up this one on their own LOL

Music and movement

Our science experiment to mix colors!  Bubble milk was a big hit!  A little food coloring, milk, a straw and a ziplock go along way for fun... 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

My Little Valentines~

Its so fun to watch the children get excited over little pieces of paper from their friends.
Somethings never change.  Boxes and bags with lacy doilies, bright red stickers and cards to mom and dads!

Yummy rice krispy hearts!

(Somebody's favorite valentine.)

Sweet Valentine girls!

This class loves to do selfies! Even Miss Jeanne got in the fun!

Orange Day events...

I love to see children find an activity without setting up the activity.  Here they decided to take our links, counting blocks and letters and sort them by not only category, but by the type of toy!

Bathroom Brigade.

Two happy smiling faces.  Congrats to Caden who has finished five of his books and is halfway through the beginning reading program.  You rock!
Happy Birthday to Evelyn, number 4!