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Monday, March 24, 2014

It's Spring Session!

We are back to learning after a restful break.....we are still concentrating on writing, math and letter/sound recognition.   We welcome two new students-Emma and Zach.   Our class is a great blend of personalities and a joy to teach!

  We had a great time during Green Week with our leprechaun hunt and found gold coins and blarney stones in a very cool treasure chest.

It's so interesting to watch development and it's what I love most about teaching.  I get to be there when changes are happening.  The children actually asked to have paper to write their names!  Now a writing center has become a hit every class.  Confidence is building and they are learning the letters and sounds every class.  A few of the children have begun the Starfall reading system and are working on their first book.  Nothing better than seeing a child's face light up when they understand the words.

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