in hopes that St. Nicholas comes with a dash.
Our Elf on the Shelf has arrived for this year,
in hopes that the children keep up good cheer!
We'll make good choices while he watches us close-
And if not, a letter to Santa he'll post.
The holidays have to come to our school now you see-
With stockings, Santa's and our own little trees.
Santa has come and watches us with his sight-
But the best here was the Marshmallow fight!
Stay tuned, for yes there is more-
Learning and singing are both what's in store!
Silly little "Candy" the Elf!
What a fun day visiting with Santa. But the best yet was a snowball fight, ARIZONA STYLE!
How lucky that Santa taught us to have a snowball fight with Marshmellows! ......and your hands don't get cold!

Our class family!
We had such fun! Even Miss Cheryl got Miss Kathi!!
....and to all a Good Night!
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