The children have resumed their routine just as never having taken a break. Welcome to my new families!
As most of you know, I support multi-age classrooms; my classes have children ages 3-5. So many skills are reaped by both the older child and the younger. Here you can see Caden helping Harper with her stringing of beads. It warms my heart when I see this in action. The older child gains a sense of leadership, self-worth and achievement; while the younger child accepts help, learns a new skill and a sense of accomplishment.
Making Friends,Working together and Sharing
are all so important in the early childhood classroom.
Friendship, sharing of ideas, problem solving and creating are all part of skills that will help in future schooling. Having fun is important too!
We've begun our fall unit with the life cycle of a pumpkin.....Seed, Sprout, Plant, Vine, Green Pumpkin, Orange Pumpkin! See if your child remembers the sequence! We decorated our journals and have begun our story telling for language development. Some great stories are being told! LOL
Silly face pumpkinsWe worked on fine motor skills with Geo Boards, peeling stickers and lacing beads. I will be giving a sheet to take home to work on fine motor skills, with an emphasis on holding a crayon, marker or pencil.

Thursday's class enjoyed music time with Musical instruments!
Oscar the Owl is our class mascot this session and will be going home with each classmate. We'd love to hear what your child did with Oscar. Tell a story, add a picture or two in his travel journal!
Next week......Halloween Parties!
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