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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Fun with our Zoo animals!

Jan. 15-17    The children worked in their journals drawing self-portraits and we journaled "What do you do to get ready for school?"  
    The highlight of the week was reading the book, "What does the fox say?"  Check out Miss Kathi's What does the fox say?  at this link:

I am putting great emphasis on writing at the beginning of the session, as I am watching what hand they write with, form holding the crayon or marker, and pressure.   We practice with a wipe off alphabet board which help new writers form letters and we are using the "Handwriting Without Tears" alphabet sticks to make letters, and spell our names.

Group activités have been helping the children get to know the new students and it bonds the class together, helping make new friends.  Children always amaze me as they love to read and tell stories together.    We also group painted and did an experiment with lemon!

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